Publications & Events
“How National Security Auto Probe Redefines Trade Debate,” Law360 (2018) (co-authored with Pavan Krishnamurthy)
“New customs regulations target evasion of duties,” International Law Office (2016) (co-authored with Brenda Jacobs and David Lyons)
“WTO decision raises new questions for trade remedy respondents,” International Law Office (2015) (co-authored with Rajib Pal)
“Higher Bar For Nonmarket Economy Cos. In Anti-Dumping Cases,” Law360 (2015) (co-authored with Richard Weiner, Brenda Jacobs and Shawn Higgins)
“Fed. Circ. Ruling May Impact Anti-Dumping Investigations,” Law360 (2013) (co-authored with Brenda Jacobs)
“Court of International Trade Decisions During 2011 Under 28 U.S.C. § 1581(i) Residual Jurisdiction,” 44 Georgetown J. Int’l L. 133 (2012) (co-authored with Jill Caiazzo)
“Introductory Note: World Trade Organization: Appellate Body Ruling: United States – Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews,” 46 I.L.M. 94 (2007)
“Uncertainty in Joint Venture Analysis,” In Competition (Sweet & Maxwell, Feb. 2000) (co-authored with Bart T. Valad)
“The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: At the Leading Edge of High Technology Issues,” 36 Amer. U. L Rev. 801 (1987) (co-authored with Robert D. Wallick)
“Foreign Government Regulation of Natural Resources: Problems and Remedies Under United States International Trade Laws,” 21 Stanford J. Int’l L. 29 (1985) (co-authored with Charlene Barshefsky and Richard Diamond)
Practice Areas
5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Suite 440
Washington, DC 20015
Email: neil@neilellislaw.com
Phone: 202.258.5421​
Panelist, “International Trade”, American Univ. L. Rev. Federal Circuit Symposium (Washington, D.C., 2019)
Panelist, “How do you guide your business in a world of trade uncertainty?”, CRU North American Steel Conference (Chicago, 2018)
Panelist, “Emerging Trends and Unique Approaches to the Enforcement of U.S. Customs and International Trade Laws,” Case Western Reserve University Law School (Cleveland, OH, 2017)
Speaker, “Stainless Steel Trade 2017: Old Rules for New Disputes,” Metal Bulletin – SMR 12th Asian Stainless Steel Conference (Hong Kong, 2017)
Panelist, “The WTO Year in Review,” Georgetown International Trade Update (Washington, D.C., 2017)
Panelist, “Russian Steel and the Global Market,” Eurasian Metals 13th Annual Steel Summit (Moscow, 2015)
Moderator, “Nationalism and International Commitment: The Case of Argentina,” ABA Section of International Law 2013 Spring Meeting (Washington, D.C., April 2013)
“Ambiguity in the Law After Judicial Review,” Presentation to the U.S. Court of International Trade and the Customs and International Trade Bar Association (Washington, D.C., 2011)
Panel moderator, “Steel Trading in a Rapidly Changing Environment,” Metal Bulletin’s 7th Russian Steel Summit (Moscow, 2009)
Chair, Planning Committee, 15th Judicial Conference of the U.S. Court of International Trade (New York, 2008)
Panelist, “Preemptive Action to Avoid an Investigation and Preparing and Responding to an Investigation,” Inter-American Development Bank Regional Conference (Washington, D.C., 2008)
Panelist, “AD/CVD at the U.S. Department of Commerce,” Trade & Customs Law Introduction, Georgetown University Law Center (Washington, D.C., 2007)
Panelist, “Procedural Path of a U.S. Anti-Dumping Investigation,” Textile and Clothing Trade in the Post Quota Era, Textile Council of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, 2005)
Panelist, “Commercial Defense: Enforcement of Anti-Dumping in USA and EU and Brazilian Defense,” 4th Seminar on International Trade, Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos de Concorrência, Consumo e Comércio Internacional (Guarujá, Brazil, 2004)
Member, Planning Committee, Bench and Bar Meeting, U.S. Court of International Trade (Washington, D.C., 2003)
Instructor, "Trade Remedies in the World Trading System," World Trade Institute (Berne, Switzerland, 2002)
Speaker, "2004: What Lies Beyond," USAITA Seminar Series (New York, 2002)